Questions to prep for the exam

One of these three questions will be the exam question. In your answer, we’re looking for about 300 words (the length of your blog posts) and strong structural functions.  During the exam, you may NOT use your essay and must write your answer on the paper provided in your packet.

1) In a well-structured and well-developed paragraph, present a counter-argument to Solnit’s thesis and evidence. Be sure to use specific evidence from the article to support your answer.

2) In a well-structured and well-developed paragraph, explain why Solnit makes the point, late in her essay, that “the Arab Spring was first of all the North African Spring.” How is this distinction important to the larger argument in her article? Be sure to use specific evidence from the article to support your answer.

3) In a well-structured and well-developed paragraph, explain Solnit’s example of the history of the Pequots and how it fits into her larger argument. Be sure to use specific evidence from the article to support your answer.